Bent u aanvullend verzekerd? Dan heeft u vaak recht op een (volledige) vergoeding van de plaswekker! Deze kunnen wij bij veel zorgverzekeraars voor u declareren. Uw vergoeding wordt direct in uw bestelling verwerkt. Zo ontvangt u een fikse korting of hoeft u ons zelfs helemaal niets te betalen. Wel zo handig én voordelig!
70 years' experience
the specialist since 1954
1.000.000+ children
helped with urinary problems
16 countries
operating global
9,6 customer rating
from 1.000+ reviews
3.600+ children
will sleep with Uriflex tonight
Team foto Urifoon
This unique team of experts has, collectively, decades of experience in helping parents and children use the bedwetting alarm as effectively as possible. Every day, we are ready throughout the entire training period to provide you and your child with targeted and professional advice as needed. This way, even the (very) deep sleeper quickly wakes up from the alarm, the training becomes less tiring, progress is quickly visible, and – most importantly – the chances of success are highest. Would you like advice on one of our other solutions for daytime and nighttime wetting problems? We are happy to help with that too!

Welcome to Urifoon